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2018년 2월 9일 금요일

[Travel-People] 6th Host. Mitro.

UK & JIN's Official questions.

1. When are you happy?
- Generally, I'm happy all the time. I don't have any low point. Everything I have, of course, there is some special situation. like If we go to the summer house with my friends, having the beer, barbeque, good time. of course, that is good. Also, any time when I'm traveling, going somewhere and meet my school people there. Yeah, This is awesome. But I Thing generally the happiness comes from a kind of some small things from everyday life. Do something that makes you feel good or If It's ready to work that you have something at work. You manage to do it well and you will get like 'Yeah! now I'm feeling great.' I think the happiness most comes from day to day basic thing that you do. When you make the right decision, you do your best, if you succeed and do something great thing well then you feel great by yourself and makes happy.

1-1. How do you control when you are in bad mood?
- I think sometimes, especially winter time, cause It's really dark all the time. and I sometimes feel really tired all the time, feel like I just want to go to sleep 4 months. I think the things for me just keep myself busy. If I'm finding that I'm getting low and feeling not great. and I think for instance sports that I do, going to a gym or something. So I can get my thought to somewhere else. I think you feel really down you should just stop to think about it. I try to keep myself busy and to do something which forces me to put my mind away from something. Just trying to not think about things too much and keep me busy.

2. What kind of life do you want to live?
- I would say, kind of average life? I hope in the future, I have a good job. so I can support myself and my family. I can travel time to time. Yeah, I'm not really dreaming about like rich. Sometimes I'm thinking It would be nice to win a lottery. a lot of money so I can stop working. but the other hands kind of scary thought also. cause your life will change so much. of course, you are making kind of good money, so you can easily live and pay your bills. It's less stressful. So I hope I'm gonna be at the average nice level. So I can do all that and still, I have some money to buy some new clothes or travel around time to time. So I would say It would be pretty modest life. I think the most important is that I stay safe and healthy. cause even If you have a lot of money, It doesn't make you immortal. 

3. What it that the most want to do before you die.
- Of course, It would be nice If my life wouldn't be meaningless, have some meaning. Many years go my name in the history books or something. I have done something great. but I'm quite sure It doesn't happen cause I think there is nothing that special about me. I'm a just normal guy. So One thing I hope that someday when I get family and kids. When I die they would be happy and good. they wouldn't do any crime or go to prison. They would go to school and get a good job, be good persons. I think that something I would hope. When I die my children would be good people. and they could take care of their own.

UK & JIN's Personal question.

1. What is your ideal type of girl?
- It's not necessary like blond or blooms something.  I think kind of neighbor girl? girl from the next door? I don't know I like all the girl basically. and one with kind of similar lifestyle, It will be a big bonus.

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